In the kitchen, with my Martin backpacker guitar.

Especially when I’m cooking or in the garden,

new song ideas drop in.

Pete always knew he was meant to be a songwriter. “When I was a kid, I was always making up little songs. Songs about the anthills in our backyard, or from the perspective of my rebellious alter-ego. Somewhere along the way, I realized that the craft of song, production and recording would be a lifelong pursuit.”

Regardless of what happens in his music career, he still sees himself as a working musician. “I have to create something every day,” he says. “Otherwise, I feel like I’m letting time slip through my fingers” That impressive work ethic has led to a flurry of collaborations, a unique studio sound, and forthcoming opportunities in sync licensing for tv, film and ads.

Will he ever leave Minnesota? “Probably not. If I left, I would leave behind my community and roots. I love the many places I’ve lived around the US, but nothing compares to the peace and magic of our Northwoods.”